Sunday, December 12, 2010

Management, oh Management...

Management oh management
Is training us to be
A manager or a leader with ideas to set free
Innovation and creativity is key
Encouraging creative thinking to the employee

Many things we've learned in class
Studying hard so this knowledge will last
Exercised our planning and organizing
Through lectures, group activities, exams, and blogging

Professor Kurpis is a creative guy
Teaching us the how and why
Incubate, improve, imagine, and invest
Are the "4 I's" that may be on a test

This has been an awesome class
We have had a blast!
Now we have to say farewell
and walk our separate ways

Good luck everyone!

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Creative minds, with creative thoughts...

This semester has been the first time that I have ever written a blog. It turned out to be a very interesting tool, and a nice addition to the class. We are able to read our classmates thoughts, and we can comment on each others blogs as well. Through the blogs we also learn about each other and it may help when getting to know one another.

The blog has definitely been a unique and creative way to work with management ideas and concepts. It was effective, among other ways, that we had a class activity which we later discussed in the blog, and could get feedback from each other. Some people may write something we initially didn't notice or think of, which may spark even more ideas within ourselves. It's been interesting and motivating to read other people's blogs.

Did we learn about each other through these blogs? Yes, I think we definitely did. It also depends how much time and thought each person put into their own blog and blog comments. I've seen various lengths and various levels of writing, so there is definitely a big variety as well. We also learned what others thought of the class activities and management in general. It also started some conversations in class, and I think that the internet can be a valuable tool in meeting and interacting with people.

Writing a blog about our class activities made us think of them even more and in more details. It helps in the learning process and it is also fun to read what others thought of the activities. We think in different ways so it is interesting to see how the same activity can output into many different thoughts and ideas. I shared my ideas and perceptions, and I tried to write it as well as I could. I spent a lot of time on blogs and made sure to evaluate each detail. My DiSC profile was a Ci, which probably also reflected in my blogs, especially in regards to details.
The professor's blogs were also very interesting to read. It also led me to read other articles and information online. A suggestion I have for reading material (and possibly making it into an assignment), would be to distribute interesting management articles and such, as class material to read in paper form (hard copy). Sometimes having it in front of us on paper makes us receive the information in a different way. Maybe students could have an assignment where they read an article picked by the professor, then be divided into groups of 2 (yes, two people only) where they could discuss the article for, let's say, 20 minutes. Then, we could open it up for class discussion. Why I said two people was that sometimes it may be easier to discuss ideas when there is only one more person listening. Sometimes bigger groups may feel intimidating, so it would be interesting to see how this kind of an exercise would work. The professor's blogs have been interesting, and it would be great to see even more of that as a part of class assignments.

I realize how the blog can help in our exams. Talking about a topic, or in this situation writing about it, helps us remember things in a different way. I have noticed many times that I learn more by talking about topics with other people. Somehow it strengthens our memory and can help us remember things by associating it with the conversation or other aspects that were going on while talking about it. In general, our memory and how it works is very interesting. Sometimes a scent or a sound can trigger a memory we haven't thought of in years. Similarly, if we can learn class information in these strong ways, it may last us many years. Doing creative class activities and later blogging about them can help in remembering the information better, and later on recalling it for exams and future needs.

I plan on writing more blogs in the future. I am not sure how often I will post blogs, but I intend to do so, once in a while. Also, reading our blogs years later will be very interesting and we can recall what we wrote a few years prior! The blog can also be a good tool to keep in touch with our management classmates, and to see where everyone is going, what they're doing, and if they are still following the vision they specified in the class blog, or if their vision and plan has changed.

I think that the blog should remain a part of the class requirement. We have probably learned a lot by doing the blog. Some people may not even realize how much we have learned. It creates an opportunity to communicate in other ways than in class, and as we have seen with some classmates, even a possibility for other opportunities outside of the class!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

DiSC results were accurate! I'm a C!

It was interesting to see how a test like this can determine many of our traits. My results said that I am a "Ci"; "C" as the dominant trait and "i" as the secondary trait. The C stands for Conscientiousness. I think that the results were pretty accurate, as many of the descriptions in the C type apply to me. For example, I usually analyze things a lot, weigh pros and cons, check for accuracy, value quality and accuracy, among other things. I’m very detail-oriented, careful, thorough, and I follow rules, which are some of the traits of a C-type personality. Within the “action plan” section description of this type, the results say that a C type needs someone who makes quick decisions, among other things, which is something that I agree on. Usually it takes a long time for me to make a decision, so since I'm often indecisive, I would probably go well with someone who can make quicker decisions. However, that would probably be more applicable for smaller decisions, because sometimes it is important to take time with analyzing things and not rush into a decision, especially big decisions. Consequently, it can be very frustrating being indecisive regarding small decisions, such as what to eat for lunch or dinner, which I quite often experience.

I feel that the C type description fits me well and I feel comfortable in that category. However, the secondary trait that my results showed was i, which is not as accurate as the C. One of the things that the i shows is that this type needs an environment that includes "freedom from control and detail." As a C for my dominant trait, I feel like this before-mentioned i trait statement is kind of an opposite of the C type, as I actually do work very detailed, follow rules and directions, and want control. Another part of the i type is that they need others who seek facts, which I actually do as a C type, so these contradict each other a little bit. However, they do mention that an i type needs priorities and deadlines to be more effective, and that is something that I usually need, because I work more effectively then.

When it comes to the other types, S and D, I feel that I do have some of those traits as well, such as showing loyalty, desiring to help others, and being a good listener (type S), and solving problems and taking authority (type D). However, the most accurate description of me is C, which was also my dominant type result. I think it's good to have some traits from all groups, although there is probably one type that fits each person more than the other types. It would be nice to sometimes be able to make quicker decisions (such as in a D) and not analyzing everything a lot (analysis paralysis), but overall I feel comfortable with being a C.

I think the results might also vary from time to time, such as right now and a few months from now. Maybe it will even vary with mood, and what a person is going through at the time. Also, the words can be interpreted differently, so that might also give a slightly less correct result. I think that we can become a different type in some ways, with traits that we can work on, but some of them we are probably born with and cannot change completely. It is helpful to determine a personality type, as it helps us to understand that person better and why they may have react the way they do. It may also help in interacting with them, and may help communicating in a more effective way.

By processing the information and descriptions for these types, we can better understand ourselves as well, and the way we may handle things. If we haven't noticed some traits before, it may make us start thinking about certain things. If there is something that we do, but would like to change, the information gives us a more conscious opportunity and effort to work on. It might also help in other personal interactions, because it is not just about a management style, but a personality style. It's interesting to hear someone's results and relating that to the person's personality and how that person handles things. Let's discuss further! What was your DiSC type?

Monday, November 15, 2010

In a Multiple Pickle World

Two days ago I went to McDonald's to get our special order. When I got there, the manager was standing right next to the cashier at the time of my order, so as soon as he heard my order he started punching it into the register. I asked them to make sure the receipt specified 5 pickles and well done fries with Big Mac sauce. At first he said that he can't put in 5 pickles, but after a second or so he said, “oh yeah I can do that.” I also suggested he can push the button 5 times otherwise, but he came up with a way to add it already. When I got the receipt, it showed "1 PUTIN5 PICKLE,” but it didn't specify “Well done” for the fries and “Big Mac sauce.” I kept asking to add this, but the manager repeatedly said that he cannot do that and that it's not possible in this store, so I asked if he could handwrite it on the receipt and sign, and then I remembered that our professor had said in class that we could do that and also ask for their business card. I asked for his card, but he said that he doesn't have any. He handwrote the additional information on the receipt and signed it. While writing this report I feel like I was hired as a management consultant, and many of my observations here are from this point of view.

For my order and receipt generation, two people were involved; the cashier and the manager. Since the manager happened to be standing next to the cashier when I walked in, he was accessible and could answer questions and punch in the special order. Since the people who prepare the food are in the back, I’m not sure how many were involved. However, the manager possibly re-packed my food. At first, the food came pretty quickly, in a bag. Before I even reached out to it, the manager grabbed the bag and said, “Let me just double-check that they have given you the correct order,” or something similar. He took the bag to the back, and came back a few minutes later, with what I think was a slightly bigger bag. Maybe the order wasn't correct and maybe he waited for a new burger. After I got my order I also double-checked it, and it was correctly a burger with 5 pickles, fries, and sauce on the side to dip them in. I took the pickles off and ate the food (I don't like pickles).

While I was still waiting for the food, two other cashiers came by and started talking to my cashier (while the manager was still in the back checking my food), and for some reason, one of the cashiers took my receipt and crushed it in her hand and was about to throw it out! I said, “Wait that's my receipt!” and she said, “Oh I'm sorry, I'll straighten it out for you” (it was now wrinkled). At the same time, the other cashier printed out a new receipt. Since the manager had handwritten on the other receipt already, when he came back I had to ask him again to specify and sign again, and he did.

When it comes to communication, there seemed to have been an unspoken communication between the cashier and the manager. The communication pattern was mainly between the manager and the cashier, and me the customer. However, they did not say that much to each other, it was mostly a quiet transaction. As soon as the cashier started hearing my order, she smiled, and since the manager was right next to her, he just stopped whatever he was doing and silently started punching things into the cashier. During my order, she asked the manager if she should charge extra, and he said no. I asked them to please make sure that those things were specified on the receipt as well. It was mostly me and the manager talking. The communication between the manager and the other employees seemed limited, and instead of delegating a task to one of them, he took matters in his own hands and checked that the food was correct. It’s possible he asked someone in the kitchen to re-do the order. Also, the communication between the manager and the cashier was more non-verbal, like they knew what to do right away. When I first came in, the girl smiled welcoming and asked for my order. However, it took a few tries before I could actually order, because there was another customer that said he hadn't ordered yet and there was a strange moment then. She had asked me to order, and at the same time started talking to the other customer and other employees, but he replied that it was ok and that he could wait. I would suggest that they communicate more between the employees and the manager, and between them and the customers. For example, the cashier should have communicated better with me and the other customer in the above-mentioned situation in the beginning of the visit. After that, I felt that I was heard, taken seriously, and accepted as a customer.

It took a while to get my order. At first, my order came pretty quickly. However, after the manager grabbed the bag to double-check it, it took a while. Maybe the order wasn't correct, and maybe he was waiting for another burger. The wait felt quite long, although it might have just felt even longer since I was a bit nervous. In the past I have experienced varied waiting times, both shorter and longer than this. However, since this was a special order, it is ok that it took a few minutes, and it seems like it was an acceptable waiting time.

I was quite surprised that the manager kept saying that he cannot enter some of my special order on the machine (well done and big mac sauce). I kept asking and asking, and he said it wasn't possible. I even suggested, “How about if you use the 'well-done' button that can be used to specify hamburgers?” and mentioned that I've seen it before, and he said that they don't have that option. When I talked to my roommate later in the evening, she said that had worked there and confirmed it really isn't possible to enter. I realized that I've probably seen it in other burger places such as In'n'Out (in Los Angeles) and other fast food places. I'm wondering if anyone doing this assignment was able to get “well-done” specified on the receipt? Maybe smaller branches have a more limited choice of buttons at the cash register? I'm not sure.

The organization seemed pretty good here. I was there around 5:30pm, and it probably helped that there were very few customers at this time too. Also, this was a small branch with a drive-in, so most orders were probably handled at the drive-in. It seemed like they had a lot of time to help any customers that walked in, like me. I'm not sure if they usually include the manager to handle all special orders, but maybe this was more possible now because of the small amount of customers at this time. I liked that he did that, and it was a professional way of handling a customer with special requests. Overall, I felt that they were professional regarding the food, as when my food came and the manager took the initiative to double-check that his customer (me) had gotten the correct order. They seemed to be a little thrown off by my request to specify it on the receipt, but he was ok with handwriting on it and signing it. If I were the manager, among the things that I would do to better accommodate special orders would probably be to make sure that the register could handle special orders at any time. There should be options that can be edited and adjusted. Any order should be able to be specified on the receipt. People may have various reasons for wanting an order specified on a receipt, and the customer shouldn't have to feel embarrassed or out of the ordinary for asking for it. Also, I might bring a group of employees together to discuss various scenarios that may occur, such as specific food requests and possible variations of that. I would also come up with plans to handle those orders fast and efficient in the kitchen, when we do receive them. Contingency plans should also be developed, just in case! Five pickles shouldn't seem like a strange request. When you really think about it, it seems like a perfect amount on a burger! It covers the whole burger! So for those who really do like pickles, I can see how five pickles would be the perfect amount. When it comes to the fries, why not being able to get well-done fries? Some people are concerned with food safety, and some are extreme about it, so this should be an option that people shouldn't have to feel weird about asking for. I understand that it is an unusual request, and I was prepared for some smiles from the staff, but imagine if there were a customer who were really serious about their order. Some might feel laughed at if the staff doesn't keep a straight face, like they would do if the order was “normal.” Furthermore, it might be a good idea to train the staff on handling unusual orders and the way they react to unexpected orders. I really didn't mind the smiles, but some people might. Like I do in various aspects of my life, I think about possible scenarios and their outcomes before they happen, so that I will be prepared to handle them. Within management, this would be a manager type called a “problem seeking manager.” This would be a good way to handle any possible orders and their outcomes.

I didn't expect the cashier to be trained in punching in a special order, and I expected to get a manager involved. However, maybe they should train cashiers to do this too; why should they need special permission to enter five pickles? Regarding the manager, he seemed trained and competent for his position. He handled things well, and showed professionalism. However, one major weakness, if that could be called that, was that the manager was not prepared to show a business card. He said he didn't have any business cards. He could have been even more professional, and hand me a business card and propose that he can be reached if I needed anything. Also, since my order required a manager input, it didn't give me a chance to see if the cashier was trained in her job, although she knew that the order required the manager and let him do it. Other than that I didn’t really notice other weaknesses in the manager and employees, except for that the cahiers could have been a little more professional in their customer service.

What I remember most from my visit is the manager's professionalism and the way he handled my order. He didn't smile or made me feel unusual at any point, and he took the order seriously. I think that he displayed great leadership, in various ways; for example, when he took initiative to check my order and make sure that I got what I asked for. The manager took a leadership role that made other employees fade into the background. One thing he did lack was a business card, and that was a disappointment. Every leader and manager should have a business card to hand out at any time. Good leadership is necessary at any job, especially at companies where they are dealing with customers and should have good customer service. An improvement suggestion for the manager would be to always have a business card ready, and to prepare for unexpected situations ahead of time.

In conclusion, I learned that it really is possible to get unusual requests granted, sometimes even with no extra costs. We just have to ask for it. This was an interesting assignment, but I do admit that I was nervous before. However, I did learn from the experience too. I want to get involved in various management positions as well, to make a difference in a company and among employees, and if the company has customers then I'd love to influence them as well. New York is a good place to do this assignment too, as there are so many different people with various ideas and requests. I wonder what kind of unusual requests they have gotten in the past. Maybe next time we should ask for Well-done Pickles and Five Fries!

Monday, November 8, 2010

Where will we be in five or ten years?

How many times have you thought about the future and wondered how things will look like maybe 10 years from now? Where will we be, both geographically and within our personal lives and in business? Many people dream of very specific things, while some people are not yet sure of what they would like to do in the future. For most of my life I have had dreams and visions about the future, but those I have lately started to doubt for some reasons, and I have been confused. For the past few months I have been thinking about changing my major completely, and therefore also my career choice and related paths.

Most of my life I have been involved in music, in one way or the other. I have been wanting to work within music in one way or the other, either as a musician/singer/performer or in other ways, such as working with artists in various ways. However, I know that it can often be hard to make a good living on only the music as a job, so I've been consciously searching for other options along the way, such as TV/video editing that I did my AS degree in with a previous college in California (although the media arts world could also be hard with all the competition). Before coming to New York and Baruch I thought of other ways to combine music with a more stable business. I found that Baruch has Management of Musical Enterprises, which seems to be an unusual major nationwide. I came here for that, and have been excited about studying the music business. While still in California, I interned at Sony BMG/Epic Records, which was a great experience and also another reason and motivation to stay in the music business. However, over the past few months, I have been thinking about doing a change of major and also career path. For some reason I haven't felt that motivated anymore, and I'm feeling sort of confused and not really sure what I want to do. I love music, but I'm not sure if I have as strong of a will and interest as some other people in the music business to push through in this tough business. I have always been creative and artsy and would love to work with something creative, although I'm starting to run out of ideas. Does anyone have an idea of a career, that seems interesting, and that maybe I haven't thought of yet possibly? Other issues that I have been concerned with lately is the job prospects, which may or may not be so strong in the music business. On the other hand, BBA degrees have lately often topped lists of top career choices for success and good job prospects, which is another reason why a BBA degree is appealing, because that means that there will be a bigger chance of jobs in the future, even if that degree might take longer to accomplish. However, I am still open to completing a BA degree in a different major, although again, I am searching for new paths.

No matter what my future career will be, I do have some goals that I would like to accomplish no matter what. I want to have a meaningful and good job, which is also rewarding, interesting, challenging, and that fits my personality and skills. I have looked into career tests of various types, and I'm planning to see a career counselor for more advice and information. Although music and dancing are my passions, I am starting to see that I can still surround myself with those, and also have a totally different career.

Another business-related goal that I have is to be successful, no matter what job I will have. I have always been very determined and strive for good grades and accomplishments. I can work hard and I want to find a career that I can do well. Lately I have been thinking about going into Human Resources Management, and being in a school that's so good with business, it would be a great thing for the future to have a BBA from Baruch in some kind of management, for example.

One of my personal goals would be to be more healthy in both eating habits and exercise. I love to dance, especially Salsa, and I really want to get back into going regularly and that being my exercise, along with the gym. My goal is to get back into into a healthy lifestyle and stay there.

Besides good health, I think that love and happiness is very important. I am very happy now and I want to keep living a happy life. Family and friends are also very important. Also, in the future I would like to start a family and experience all those moments. Happy people spread happiness and life is so much more enjoyable when we're happy, healthy, and in love!

More of my personal goals would be to travel more and to explore the world! Traveling, especially with my significant other, is a wonderful experience. These experiences make us grow and learn so much. I think that it is an important part of life to be able to travel and learn from the world.

There are many things that would be wonderful to have in the future, and we have to put our vision into action to make things happen. We should have visions that are inspiring and when possible also more detailed, which are some of the things that the video "Power of Vision" discussed. However, sometimes our visions are not quite detailed, but if there is something that we really want to happen then we should probably work on those details. We have to be determined and not give up!

To make my vision a reality, I will work hard in these various aspects of goals and visions. In the near future, I'm going to keep looking for a career choice that will make me excited and inspired. I want to stay positive, and I'm open to expanding ideas and exploring new fields. Once I graduate, I will look for jobs that will fit my knowledge, skills, and degree. I plan on taking action in searching for jobs. I will update my resume, and rewrite parts of it to suit each job I'm applying for. I will be professional and look for jobs in various places and from various sources.

Regarding some of my personal goals, I will make time to go to the gym and to go Salsa dancing. I also want to learn how to choose healthier food options. Lately I have had a lot of school work, along with other things such as moving, which has made my free time very limited. However, health is very important, so I have to make time for this.

Traveling can be done in so many different ways, and for the bigger trips it is something that will depend partly on money and vacation days of my future job, but traveling is important to me, and I plan on keep it as one of the priorities to budget for. If bigger trips won't be possible at various times, we can try to go for smaller trips, because even if they are close-by and for a short time, they still bring experiences and serve an important role in our lives.

Finally, since I'm going through some confusion regarding my future career choices, I would love to hear what you all have to say about possible career choices. What could you suggest to me? Should I stay within music management or venture out on a different path such as human resources management? Or, should I go with something totally different? Thank you for any advice and input! I appreciate it. Good luck with your future goals!

Friday, October 22, 2010

Decisions, decisions...

This was a very interesting and chaotic class session. We as a class were allowed to come up with a solution to our first exam's overall low scores. As a class we had to come up with ideas on how to fix our exam grade, and what we wanted to change for the next exam. However, for these ideas to come into effect, we had to have a 100% approval from everyone in the class, and of course it had to be a reasonable suggestion to gain our our teacher's approval.

Chaos broke out as our class started yelling out suggestions and trying to be heard. Someone took the decision to go to the front of the class and be our leader, which was a strong thing to do. Throughout this process we gained more and more leaders, which we at some point had many of, at the front of the class. It was not very organized even though we had leaders, and those who stayed in their seat and raised a hand to be heard was not always granted time to talk and be heard.

I think that many people in our class entered the "compete to win" mode and were trying to find a way to improve our grades, which was something that most people were interested in. Not everyone were aggressive, but most of us were assertive and showed interest in making a difference. I was in this group as well, and I tried not to yell out suggestions. At one point I was raising my hand for quite a while, while chaos was rising in the class, and after some time of not being able to say my opinion, I walked up to one of the leaders and told that person my suggestion. There was just too much going on, and it seems like we weren't even able to get to that suggestion either. Why I chose to be a part of the decision-making and in the "compete to win" group was that I really cared about the outcome and it was important to me to be able to raise my grade in that exam. I work hard in school and strive for good grades, so when the exam results turned out lower than expected, I wanted to be a part of the possibility to raise the grade. I think that many people in the class were surprised over the outcome, and we wanted to improve our grades. Since some of the steps that we agreed on are optional, not everyone have to participate if they don't want to, so agreeing to the decision (to get our 100% approval) seems like it would be beneficial to all students in the class no matter what they end up choosing in the optional steps.

Another thing that went on was "collaborating" where some people would encourage ideas to find the best possible outcome and possibly alternatives. We negotiated and tried to find our best options. Sometimes the group would go back and forth, but then someone would point out that we already made a decision on that point and that we should move further with the next part. I agree that this is also a good step to include in a decision-making process, as we really should encourage various ideas, which I also did in this event. I was curious to see what options we had and what other people were thinking, but of course it might be hard to settle on one solid idea since people view things differently. Overall, it seemed like a big part of the group was encouraging various ideas, possibilities, and alternatives.

Other behaviors that I noticed during this class was "avoidance," where some people would not be talking, but just listen and watch the whole process. Some people were quiet and sat calmly in their seats and seemed to not contribute to the suggestions. I also noticed some "compromise" behavior from some of the leaders, that would work as mediators and "try to get something" out of this, and to find the alternatives that we all would agree on. They would remind us all that we can benefit from this and that we should decide on something that we're gonna agree on. Sometimes they would also do a "pre-vote" to see how many people were interested in that alternative and if it was worth moving the specific suggestion further. Other factors that seemed to have contributed to the chaotic decision-making process were clashes of personalities, which influences a lot, such as how someone acts in that setting or interacts with others as a group. It was noticeable that some people were very outgoing while some people were quiet and withdrawn.

It seems that a better way to have handled this conflict would have been to agree on a leader, and let that person lead us properly. It would have been better if the group had stayed quiet and only spoke when they were called on to speak, and hopefully that would have been more systematic. More people might have had a chance to voice their opinions and suggestions, and it would likely have been calmer. The chaos increased at times as more and more people voiced their opinions out loud. When it seemed like they still weren't heard, it escalated more, and too much was going on at the same time. We as a group should have communicated better, and let the leader lead us. It would have been great if we all could have listened to each idea properly, then possibly write them all on the board, and then take a vote in a non-chaotic way. Those options that seemed to be most popular could stay on the board and would be examined and discussed further. It seems like this would have been a more effective and calm way to make the decisions. Overall it was a very interesting task, and people got really involved. There were times were many of us probably got nervous, such as when it seemed like we might not get a 100% approval among the group and consequently lose our chance of improving our grades, but it worked out and we ended up with a 100% group approval in all of the points of our decision. Even though it was chaotic at times, I think that we did a good job together in making the desirable alternatives possible.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

An Egg-citing Assignment :)

This was a fun assignment and a good learning experience! As a group we were very determined to succeed, although we could improve in some of the areas.

In our group, we didn't select a leader. This is something that we probably should have done, because once we started it was a little bit chaotic. Most of us had strong ideas and wanted to help and lead, but with the little time and a big group, it was quite hard. Sometimes the group went off track and started trying other ideas suddenly, sometimes last minute ideas, but when realizing the time was shrinking we held on to our plan and looked for ways to keep the straws in place.

While working on our assignment, we were aware of our goals and objectives. Together we made sure we were on time and had everything we needed, such as our names in a list, a drawing of the egg, that the egg was at least 50% visible, and of course being finished on time. As time went on and we were getting closer to the deadline, we increased speed and were able to finish on time. However, there were some last minute ideas in the group, and the fragile egg ended up breaking even before we had the chance to try our device. That's too bad! It would have been fun to see if our contraption device would have saved our egg from breaking in the fall.

We did not assign specific roles from the beginning, but instead it seemed like most people wanted to lead and manage the assignment. However, some roles were assigned along the way. We had many strong individuals with a will to succeed in our group, which can be good too, but in some ways we collided at times. At some points, we all listened to each person with an idea. We discussed various ideas and some ideas were similar in some ways, so we tried to consolidate those when possible. Along the way we talked about possible problems with the proposed designs, so we decided that if the predicted problems would occur while building the egg, we'd try a different approach and had various ideas for this.

Even though a big part of the team wanted to lead and get ideas across, we were able to work together and listen to eachother as well, and tried to put our plans into action. Whenever a thought out idea didn't quite work how we thought it might, we automatically tried other ideas. It was quite hard to attach the straws the way we were thinking, and it was slippery at times, but we were able to finally tape the straws onto the egg. We felt that our egg contraption device had a nice design, and seemed like it would make the fall safely.

Furthermore, even though the group activity became a little bit chaotic at times, we accomplished our goals of making the contraption device very similar to what we planned. It was an agreed design and very hopeful to save the egg. We didn't assign specific roles at first, but along the way, we made roles such as drawing a picture of the egg with the contraption. The roles kind of naturally evolved in some ways. For some reason, the egg name was not discussed in the group, but someone took the initiative and came up with a name for our egg anyway.

For more effectiveness, maybe we should have assigned more clear roles. Also, since we had many strong and driven people in our group, maybe we could have assigned the tasks so that each person, who wanted to, could get some hands-on contribution to the device. Overall, we created a seemingly good contraption, that we unfortunately weren't even able to test, since the egg broke!

Monday, September 27, 2010

Culture Differences and Similarities

I was born and raised in Sweden, but I come from a Polish family. I grew up in Sweden, went to school there, and while I grew up with Swedish culture, I was also very familiar with Polish culture. I started learning English in fourth grade, and it is seen as a second language in Sweden. In Sweden, movies are generally not dubbed, but subtitled, so that also helps in learning the language. However, in Poland, movies are often dubbed and the use of English is not as wide-spread as in Sweden. Before moving to the U.S., I would see many American movies and get to know American culture even from far away.

English is actually my third language, as I speak both Swedish and Polish. I moved to the U.S. when I was 20, and lived in Los Angeles for five years. I moved to New York in 2009. I have learned a lot over the years, and improved and grew a lot as a person. Since my daily life is here, and I’ve been speaking English almost daily for over six years, it has become very natural for me to speak English. Sometimes I even find myself forgetting words in Swedish and Polish, and instead I'm finding that it's easier to express myself in English. Hearing it everywhere and using it in school is something that I’ve gotten so used to.
I have always liked the American culture, and I have gotten so used to it that it feels like home to me also. It feels natural, and I've become "Americanized." I enjoy the language and the lifestyle, and even though there may not be huge differences in culture, it fits me better in some ways. Either way, there is a huge mix of cultures in both Los Angeles and New York.

One thing that I’ve noticed being slightly different in the U.S. compared to Sweden and Poland, at least in our family and among friends, is the way we eat. In Sweden and Poland, we would usually eat breakfast with sandwiches, lunch, and then dinner around 3-4pm (or later in the afternoon, depending on work or school schedule), and then even later, we would eat "evening food" ("kolacja" in Polish, or "kvällsmat" in Swedish), around 7-9pm or so, which often consists of more "sandwiches" in the evening. These sandwiches would often be bread with various toppings such as cheese, ham, and tomatoes or other veggies, or with honey, and we would eat this for both breakfast and "evening food." These times could vary of course, but the main difference is that we usually eat dinner a bit earlier than in the U.S. and sandwiches in the evening again. This has probably been more common with our Polish culture though. During my first few years in the U.S., I would eat like this and some people would be surprised by this, especially by the frequency of eating bread/sandwiches. However, over the past few years I have been eating less bread, and I’ve been eating more American breakfasts’ such as pancakes with syrup, breakfast sausage patties with eggs and cheese, among other things, and especially in New York I have also gotten into delicious bagels more than ever. Sometimes I also have yogurt or milk with cereal, which seems common in many various cultures.

Culture differences and similarities is an interesting topic, and traveling opens us up to many various cultures. It is a topic that can be discussed in many different ways. I have discussed about some of the food differences and similarities, but there is still so much more to say about food. Besides food, there are so many more things that can be discussed about various cultures. Even without traveling people can experience culture differences. In New York, there are so many different people and cultures that you see everyday and everywhere, and sometimes things surprise me and are unfamiliar to me; however, I am open-minded and interested in learning more about various cultures!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Hello Everyone!

Nice to meet you all! My name is Monika. I was born and raised in Sweden, in a Polish family, and when I was 20 years old I moved to Los Angeles where I lived for five years. I moved to New York last year. I'm a transfer student and I've been studying at Baruch for a year so far. Lately I've been thinking about changing my major, and I think that our management class will be a very important part of it and a big help in making my decision. 

When I'm not in school, 
I like to explore the city. I've had many great experiences in this amazing city, and I'm looking forward to more. I'm also a musician, Salsa dancer, and I enjoy cooking and traveling, among other things. I am fluent in three languages - English, Swedish, and Polish, and I also speak a little bit of German and Spanish.