Wednesday, November 17, 2010

DiSC results were accurate! I'm a C!

It was interesting to see how a test like this can determine many of our traits. My results said that I am a "Ci"; "C" as the dominant trait and "i" as the secondary trait. The C stands for Conscientiousness. I think that the results were pretty accurate, as many of the descriptions in the C type apply to me. For example, I usually analyze things a lot, weigh pros and cons, check for accuracy, value quality and accuracy, among other things. I’m very detail-oriented, careful, thorough, and I follow rules, which are some of the traits of a C-type personality. Within the “action plan” section description of this type, the results say that a C type needs someone who makes quick decisions, among other things, which is something that I agree on. Usually it takes a long time for me to make a decision, so since I'm often indecisive, I would probably go well with someone who can make quicker decisions. However, that would probably be more applicable for smaller decisions, because sometimes it is important to take time with analyzing things and not rush into a decision, especially big decisions. Consequently, it can be very frustrating being indecisive regarding small decisions, such as what to eat for lunch or dinner, which I quite often experience.

I feel that the C type description fits me well and I feel comfortable in that category. However, the secondary trait that my results showed was i, which is not as accurate as the C. One of the things that the i shows is that this type needs an environment that includes "freedom from control and detail." As a C for my dominant trait, I feel like this before-mentioned i trait statement is kind of an opposite of the C type, as I actually do work very detailed, follow rules and directions, and want control. Another part of the i type is that they need others who seek facts, which I actually do as a C type, so these contradict each other a little bit. However, they do mention that an i type needs priorities and deadlines to be more effective, and that is something that I usually need, because I work more effectively then.

When it comes to the other types, S and D, I feel that I do have some of those traits as well, such as showing loyalty, desiring to help others, and being a good listener (type S), and solving problems and taking authority (type D). However, the most accurate description of me is C, which was also my dominant type result. I think it's good to have some traits from all groups, although there is probably one type that fits each person more than the other types. It would be nice to sometimes be able to make quicker decisions (such as in a D) and not analyzing everything a lot (analysis paralysis), but overall I feel comfortable with being a C.

I think the results might also vary from time to time, such as right now and a few months from now. Maybe it will even vary with mood, and what a person is going through at the time. Also, the words can be interpreted differently, so that might also give a slightly less correct result. I think that we can become a different type in some ways, with traits that we can work on, but some of them we are probably born with and cannot change completely. It is helpful to determine a personality type, as it helps us to understand that person better and why they may have react the way they do. It may also help in interacting with them, and may help communicating in a more effective way.

By processing the information and descriptions for these types, we can better understand ourselves as well, and the way we may handle things. If we haven't noticed some traits before, it may make us start thinking about certain things. If there is something that we do, but would like to change, the information gives us a more conscious opportunity and effort to work on. It might also help in other personal interactions, because it is not just about a management style, but a personality style. It's interesting to hear someone's results and relating that to the person's personality and how that person handles things. Let's discuss further! What was your DiSC type?


  1. I was so surprised when the test was done and i too found that i am a C "Conscientiousness" personality. I too analyze my situations for better results, which consumes a lot of my time to do my work.
    Also, while i was looking in the web for c personality type it showed that C personality people have the fear of criticism. They also have limited social interaction, prefer to work alone which i can see in my behavior.

  2. Thank you Monika for an amazing comment. It is the best comment I have gotten so far on my blog. I can see why you are a C type. You noticed so many small things about me and my character. You are a very detail-oriented person and it's a great thing. Actually, one of the traits I would like to learn from a C-type. You have a very well-written post that analyzes every single detail. you didn't miss anything and managed to describe everything to the smallest detail. It is very well organized as well. You ARE a C-type! Despite being a hectic D-type I am, I did notice from our little "egg project" that you do analyze things and weigh pros and cons. You don't jump to conclusions, you think things through. It's a very good trait and shows that you are a very responsible and reliable person. Good Luck to you. I am sure you ll do very good in your future.

  3. hey! I think the C type fits u well because u usually analyze the case study more detail and give us a lot of suggestions in our team work. You are very patient that will go through everything, make sure that you didn't skip the important part. I think the employee of type is every company must have. Good luck!
