Monday, November 8, 2010

Where will we be in five or ten years?

How many times have you thought about the future and wondered how things will look like maybe 10 years from now? Where will we be, both geographically and within our personal lives and in business? Many people dream of very specific things, while some people are not yet sure of what they would like to do in the future. For most of my life I have had dreams and visions about the future, but those I have lately started to doubt for some reasons, and I have been confused. For the past few months I have been thinking about changing my major completely, and therefore also my career choice and related paths.

Most of my life I have been involved in music, in one way or the other. I have been wanting to work within music in one way or the other, either as a musician/singer/performer or in other ways, such as working with artists in various ways. However, I know that it can often be hard to make a good living on only the music as a job, so I've been consciously searching for other options along the way, such as TV/video editing that I did my AS degree in with a previous college in California (although the media arts world could also be hard with all the competition). Before coming to New York and Baruch I thought of other ways to combine music with a more stable business. I found that Baruch has Management of Musical Enterprises, which seems to be an unusual major nationwide. I came here for that, and have been excited about studying the music business. While still in California, I interned at Sony BMG/Epic Records, which was a great experience and also another reason and motivation to stay in the music business. However, over the past few months, I have been thinking about doing a change of major and also career path. For some reason I haven't felt that motivated anymore, and I'm feeling sort of confused and not really sure what I want to do. I love music, but I'm not sure if I have as strong of a will and interest as some other people in the music business to push through in this tough business. I have always been creative and artsy and would love to work with something creative, although I'm starting to run out of ideas. Does anyone have an idea of a career, that seems interesting, and that maybe I haven't thought of yet possibly? Other issues that I have been concerned with lately is the job prospects, which may or may not be so strong in the music business. On the other hand, BBA degrees have lately often topped lists of top career choices for success and good job prospects, which is another reason why a BBA degree is appealing, because that means that there will be a bigger chance of jobs in the future, even if that degree might take longer to accomplish. However, I am still open to completing a BA degree in a different major, although again, I am searching for new paths.

No matter what my future career will be, I do have some goals that I would like to accomplish no matter what. I want to have a meaningful and good job, which is also rewarding, interesting, challenging, and that fits my personality and skills. I have looked into career tests of various types, and I'm planning to see a career counselor for more advice and information. Although music and dancing are my passions, I am starting to see that I can still surround myself with those, and also have a totally different career.

Another business-related goal that I have is to be successful, no matter what job I will have. I have always been very determined and strive for good grades and accomplishments. I can work hard and I want to find a career that I can do well. Lately I have been thinking about going into Human Resources Management, and being in a school that's so good with business, it would be a great thing for the future to have a BBA from Baruch in some kind of management, for example.

One of my personal goals would be to be more healthy in both eating habits and exercise. I love to dance, especially Salsa, and I really want to get back into going regularly and that being my exercise, along with the gym. My goal is to get back into into a healthy lifestyle and stay there.

Besides good health, I think that love and happiness is very important. I am very happy now and I want to keep living a happy life. Family and friends are also very important. Also, in the future I would like to start a family and experience all those moments. Happy people spread happiness and life is so much more enjoyable when we're happy, healthy, and in love!

More of my personal goals would be to travel more and to explore the world! Traveling, especially with my significant other, is a wonderful experience. These experiences make us grow and learn so much. I think that it is an important part of life to be able to travel and learn from the world.

There are many things that would be wonderful to have in the future, and we have to put our vision into action to make things happen. We should have visions that are inspiring and when possible also more detailed, which are some of the things that the video "Power of Vision" discussed. However, sometimes our visions are not quite detailed, but if there is something that we really want to happen then we should probably work on those details. We have to be determined and not give up!

To make my vision a reality, I will work hard in these various aspects of goals and visions. In the near future, I'm going to keep looking for a career choice that will make me excited and inspired. I want to stay positive, and I'm open to expanding ideas and exploring new fields. Once I graduate, I will look for jobs that will fit my knowledge, skills, and degree. I plan on taking action in searching for jobs. I will update my resume, and rewrite parts of it to suit each job I'm applying for. I will be professional and look for jobs in various places and from various sources.

Regarding some of my personal goals, I will make time to go to the gym and to go Salsa dancing. I also want to learn how to choose healthier food options. Lately I have had a lot of school work, along with other things such as moving, which has made my free time very limited. However, health is very important, so I have to make time for this.

Traveling can be done in so many different ways, and for the bigger trips it is something that will depend partly on money and vacation days of my future job, but traveling is important to me, and I plan on keep it as one of the priorities to budget for. If bigger trips won't be possible at various times, we can try to go for smaller trips, because even if they are close-by and for a short time, they still bring experiences and serve an important role in our lives.

Finally, since I'm going through some confusion regarding my future career choices, I would love to hear what you all have to say about possible career choices. What could you suggest to me? Should I stay within music management or venture out on a different path such as human resources management? Or, should I go with something totally different? Thank you for any advice and input! I appreciate it. Good luck with your future goals!


  1. I like your goal which is travel more. I wanna explore the world, too. To me, the best way to learn more different cultures is going there. Personal experience is the book can't tell. Hope we can travel more and more countries and learn more from it. Wish you luck!

  2. The goal for traveling and explore the world is brave. I would love to be able to do the same thing too. Good luck on realizing this goal and the rest of your goal.

  3. Thank you both! Yes traveling can be very educating and interesting. Where would you like to travel if you could travel anywhere? I can't wait to explore various continents and countries. Some of the places I would like to visit are Bora Bora, Cuba and other countries in Latin/South America, Australia, and more countries in Europe such as Italy, among many other places. I also want to travel more within the US, to places like Grand Canyon and various other places. Also I'd like to do a cross-country roadtrip sometime and try to visit as many states as possible overall. I can't wait to travel again! :)
    Good luck to you both too!

  4. Dear Monica,

    I want to tell you something what someone once told me: "you don't always have to know what you are gonna do and who you are gonna be, good things will come your way of you honestly pursue your passion, but it with an open heart!"

    Good Luck with salsa lessons and eating healthy.

  5. Thank you! I will try. Currently I'm just not sure what career to go with. I will still pursue my passions on the side, but probably not as a main career. Maybe I will combine them in some way with another career though. That would be interesting too!

    Good luck with your plans!

  6. Going to the gym is important and that is something that I want to do but do not seem to have time for. Also, wanting to eat healthy is a good way to improve yourself internally and externally. One of my goals is to also travel the world.I think that everyone should explore different surroundings and just see how people live in comparison to themselves. Traveling also broaden your ideas and views towards others.
