Monday, September 27, 2010

Culture Differences and Similarities

I was born and raised in Sweden, but I come from a Polish family. I grew up in Sweden, went to school there, and while I grew up with Swedish culture, I was also very familiar with Polish culture. I started learning English in fourth grade, and it is seen as a second language in Sweden. In Sweden, movies are generally not dubbed, but subtitled, so that also helps in learning the language. However, in Poland, movies are often dubbed and the use of English is not as wide-spread as in Sweden. Before moving to the U.S., I would see many American movies and get to know American culture even from far away.

English is actually my third language, as I speak both Swedish and Polish. I moved to the U.S. when I was 20, and lived in Los Angeles for five years. I moved to New York in 2009. I have learned a lot over the years, and improved and grew a lot as a person. Since my daily life is here, and I’ve been speaking English almost daily for over six years, it has become very natural for me to speak English. Sometimes I even find myself forgetting words in Swedish and Polish, and instead I'm finding that it's easier to express myself in English. Hearing it everywhere and using it in school is something that I’ve gotten so used to.
I have always liked the American culture, and I have gotten so used to it that it feels like home to me also. It feels natural, and I've become "Americanized." I enjoy the language and the lifestyle, and even though there may not be huge differences in culture, it fits me better in some ways. Either way, there is a huge mix of cultures in both Los Angeles and New York.

One thing that I’ve noticed being slightly different in the U.S. compared to Sweden and Poland, at least in our family and among friends, is the way we eat. In Sweden and Poland, we would usually eat breakfast with sandwiches, lunch, and then dinner around 3-4pm (or later in the afternoon, depending on work or school schedule), and then even later, we would eat "evening food" ("kolacja" in Polish, or "kvällsmat" in Swedish), around 7-9pm or so, which often consists of more "sandwiches" in the evening. These sandwiches would often be bread with various toppings such as cheese, ham, and tomatoes or other veggies, or with honey, and we would eat this for both breakfast and "evening food." These times could vary of course, but the main difference is that we usually eat dinner a bit earlier than in the U.S. and sandwiches in the evening again. This has probably been more common with our Polish culture though. During my first few years in the U.S., I would eat like this and some people would be surprised by this, especially by the frequency of eating bread/sandwiches. However, over the past few years I have been eating less bread, and I’ve been eating more American breakfasts’ such as pancakes with syrup, breakfast sausage patties with eggs and cheese, among other things, and especially in New York I have also gotten into delicious bagels more than ever. Sometimes I also have yogurt or milk with cereal, which seems common in many various cultures.

Culture differences and similarities is an interesting topic, and traveling opens us up to many various cultures. It is a topic that can be discussed in many different ways. I have discussed about some of the food differences and similarities, but there is still so much more to say about food. Besides food, there are so many more things that can be discussed about various cultures. Even without traveling people can experience culture differences. In New York, there are so many different people and cultures that you see everyday and everywhere, and sometimes things surprise me and are unfamiliar to me; however, I am open-minded and interested in learning more about various cultures!


  1. Hi
    First of all, I usually do not express my thoughts well like you do. I am just amazed by your passion to write this long posting. haha
    As you said, you become americanized, I could see how much you like NY. I honestly do not like NY as much as you do. I think you grew up with american culture too. right?
    one of the great quotation reminds me, "when in Rome do as Romans do." we are all in NY, so we have to enjoy our living as New Yorkers do.:D

  2. I think it is very cool that you can speak 3 languages. It is interesting you have had so much experience with different cultures, and even different regions in the United States.

  3. Hi Monika! Your experiences are truly inspiring and it is interesting to see how you have grown as a person because of your diverse background. As a native born American I am not fortunate to have as many cross-cultural experiences as you; I can only imagine the way that these experiences have affected your perspective on life and the way you go about each day.

    Food is definitely a defining characteristic of every culture! I can only imagine how difficult it was for you to adapt to not only all of the different foods but the eating practices that come along with a different culture and even country. It is nonetheless fun and interesting to try new things and see what suits you best.

    Los Angeles and New York City are two truly amazing places; both with great cultural diversity. It must have been interesting to see how different they were. I wonder what your expectations were for coming to NYC and how they added up once you came here. It is interesting how you used the term “Americanized,” as that can mean something completely different for different people. Knowing different languages is an amazing skill and I hope that you will continue to share your Polish and Swedish backgrounds with others!

  4. I love how your family practically has four meals a day! I've never heard of a culture doing that before and find it really interesting. What I can relate to is how bread seems to be a very important ingredient in your meals. As an vegetarian Indian, I need to have some kind of bread (be it Indian or American) with my meals, as I have limited choices as it is. Thanks for sharing, found it very interesting!

  5. Its so funny i wrote about food also. i think that its so different becasue Americans have such a unique view of food. And i mean that in a not so health way. American food is like hambugers and hotdogs, greesy and gross (in the most delicious way possible) and huge quantities. the one things that was different when i was in denmark was the mini sandwiches for breakfast with some kind of meat. but i loved it!
    once i got home i started eating the same thing and that is my normal breakfast food these days.

  6. I love the way you talk about American culture and food. I have been here for 6 years too. And no matter how much I like this culture, I was never crazy about American food. It is delicious but on the mean time it has a lot of other effects.

  7. Your story is very interesting. I agree that the American food is different from every other countries food because here people are busy and eat fast food most of the time.
